Sudip Biswas

Hey, I'm Sudip 👋🏻

I'm a developer based in India, who is passionate about crafting beautiful and smooth experiences as well as robust functionalities for users across the globe.

What I do 😼

Transform your imagination into reality using cutting-edge frontend technologies.

Craft powerful, scalable, and secure server-side functionalities harnessing the latest technologies available in the market.

Elevate your site's visibility on the internet by deploying it on platforms like Vercel or AWS, and establish its identity with your own custom domain.

Experience 💼

Software Developer Intern - The Future University
April 2024 - Present

What I've built 👨🏻‍💻

🔗 AI - An AI chatbot providing great UX.

🔗 Corporatehub - A minimal Job board with an admin panel.

🔗 X Clone - Your favorite Social Media Platform but minimal.

Contact 📞

Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Mail

© Sudip Biswas 2024